About SpaceLabs

At Space Labs, our mission is to revolutionize data delivery for specific industries by providing innovative solutions that improve efficiency and accuracy with drone and satellite technology combined.

Pradeep Ravi


Hari Janarthanan


Image Analysis

We use a wide range of data transformation techniques and models to get findings from imagery captured over a large territory and over an extended period of time quickly.

Digital Access

We strive to ensure that our platform offers user-friendly and seamless access to your digital assets, as we understand the critical importance of delivering accurate data in a timely manner.

Data Solution

Our technology incorporates features such as Space Play digital asset management, and geo-spatial data (GIS) integration, to streamline your operations and provide a one-stop solution.

Join our Awesome Team

Our team at Spacelabs Analytics, primarily is made up of Analysts, R & D experts, and Operational engineers, works to transform code lines into useful insights that can assist your company succeed.

Our mission

Redesigning Future

Delivering spatial data in a timely manner to make informed decisions. Reducing waste and redesigning future.

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    Join our monthly newsletter to learn about the latest geospatial data innovations, real-world cases, and company news.